
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog for Choice Day 2008

As a trans-women I will never have to worry about getting an abortion so why is voting pro-choice so important to me? Well the main reason is that I am a feminist, one who holds that radical notion that women are humans capable of making rational decisions about what’s best for them. But there are other reasons to vote pro-choice, ones that have to do with the rest of the anti-choice agenda.

Besides the whole ‘no abortion to save the babies’ thing the anti-choice movement wants to ban all contraception. Despite the fact that that would drive up the abortion rate. The again the Catholic church and their fundamentalist allies have never let a little thing like in consistent or contradictory positions bother them. But these positions are only contradictory if you buy their official position that it is all about the babies. Their real agenda is to keep women in a subordinate position, it’s all about control and power,

The control thing is also why the anti-choice movement opposes sex education; it’s so much easier to maintain control if you keep them un-educated. That abstinence only education doesn’t work is beside the point, when they have sex anyway you have another lever of guilt to control the poor kids.

What you may ask does this have to do with voting pro-choice? The point is that he anti-choice movement is run by authoritarian fuck-wads who want to control the most intimate part of your life. Unless you like the idea of these busybodies intruding into your bedroom you had better vote pro-choice. The sex life you save may be your own.


Unknown said...

Amen. Thank you for supporting our right to choose!

Harry834 said...

I used to intern at National Center for Transgender Equality. I myself am not transgender or gay. I just want to support the right thing.

And the right thing ain't the right wing ;)


helen_boyd said...

Saw you listed at the NARAL site & thought I'd say hi.

Unknown said...

Readers, cool!

I am on the NARAL mailing list and am trying to re-arrange my schedule to allow me to be more of an activist ( I spend my life on the road). Reproductive rights are a very important part gender justice. Reproductive rights are the right thing to do and defiantly not the right wing thing to do.

R B Grange said...

Sorry about this, but I’ve got involved in a game of tag (tig) online.

Here are some rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

contains the details.

R B Grange

Seriously sorry about this.

Christian said...

After seeing you linked from the Naral site, and reading some of your blog, I thought I would ask you this... is there such a thing as objective truth? What is truth?

Ryan Grant Long said...

I agree that the "pro-life" movement is hypocritical and actually the policies they want would increase abortion. They're against comprehensive sex education, contraception, gay adoption, anything that could improve the situation.

However, I think, right in the beginning of your post, you identified the most compelling reason to be pro-choice - you said you as a trans woman will never have to make that decision.

Nor will I, as a male, ever have to deal with it. That's why I'm pro-choice. I'm not the one who will have to deal with it, and I shouldn't have the right to make that decision for strangers.

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Choice is the right of the individual, not the immoral majority.

jorge said...

مهارات ياسر مع المنتخب ومع نادي الهلال و القادسية

منتدى ياسر القحطاني
,مهارات ياسر مع المنتخب ومع نادي الهلال و لقادسية

منتديات سعد الحارثي
والمزيد من الصور والمواضيع الرائعة ,

وشاهد مقاطع فيديو للنجميع سعد وياسر

Anonymous said...

you have a great post! such an interesting one!! very helpful! thanks for sharing,,

japanese dresse

Kate LBT said...

The Anti-Choice movement also wants to prevent US from living as ourselves. To protect ourself, we need to make the pro-choice fight our fight, even beyond preserving the choice for people for whom the choice is meaningful and necessary.